Our sister company Searchability, expert IT & Digital Recruiters are no stranger to the struggles of recruiting technical talent in a competitive market. Companies across the UK are crying out for skilled candidates, and if these candidates aren’t aware of your employer brand then the chances of securing a direct hire become extremely slim, causing a heavy reliance upon your recruitment agencies and increased recruitment costs.
Searchability have teamed up with JobHoller to help their clients brand awareness in their relevant candidate markets, and even recruit directly through JobHoller! To give their clients the best of both worlds Searchability are also offering any client who signs up to a JobHoller branded advert the chance to have the cost of this discounted off their Searchability placement fee, should the role not be placed directly through the JobHoller advert.
Clients who sign up to this offer at £495 + VAT will get:
- Branded JobHoller careers page – see example here
- Branded advert on Jobsite (28 days)
- Branded LinkedIn Featured Job slot
- Branded sponsored Indeed campaign
- Branded Facebook advert with media build
- Full access to the JobHoller suite for 28 days
If a direct hire isn’t found during this period and Searchability go on to place a candidate in this role then you will have £495 + VAT deducted from your final fee – giving you the best of both worlds! Get in touch to find out more!
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