There have been great advancements in technology in recent years, with many of us using technical products and digital software on a daily basis. Most us would feel lost without our smartphones in our hands with instant access to an array of apps, yet when it comes to work a lot of companies are still operating in the same way they did ten to fifteen years ago! Impacting change in the workplace can be incredibly slow and changing internal processes can seem like a huge upheaval and disruption. The ironic thing however is that making such changes can often improve the efficiency of your team! One area that technology can make a big difference is within your recruitment function. Here are a few areas that Job Management Software could help make your recruiting life easier in your company:
Screening CV’s
Without Software – A CV is received and either HR / a hiring manager reads through to check for relevant skills / experience, this is a manual and time-consuming way of reviewing a CV which may not be viable for high volume job roles.
With Job Management Software – Certain products will allow you to scan CV’s for keywords to check the candidate has the required skills and experience before you review the CV in full. This is advisable for roles where you receive a high volume of applications as it could save you a lot of time on reviewing unsuitable CV’s, but for anything more specialised you may be better to cast a human eye over every single CV you get through.
Job Management Software Will Help With Arranging Interviews
Without Software – Usually involves a string of calls and emails between the candidate and the hiring managers in order to confirm a time slot and send the interview confirmation.
With Job Management Software – Able to book interview slots with online diaries, outlook calendar syncing automatically, populated emails to the candidate / hiring managers confirming relevant information in a couple of clicks. Software to schedule interviews is a real time saver!
Replying to all candidates (even the unsuitable ones)
Without Software – Companies either don’t reply to unsuccessful candidates at all, or they use a lot of their time emailing individuals to let them know they were unsuccessful.
With Job Management Software – If you use an applicant tracking system (ATS) you can email every candidate with a personalised but automated message in a couple of clicks, meaning you can deliver a better candidate experience by getting in touch with everyone who applies for a job with you without taking up time in your day. This should impact on the wider candidate experience and strengthen your recruiting efforts in the future as well.
Working with Recruitment Agencies
Without Software – Recruitment agencies get in touch and submit candidates for your vacancies. Occasionally you will receive candidates known to you, which can result in ownership disputes and unnecessary recruitment fees. Tracking the source of application can become confusing when using multiple agencies, and keeping on top of rebate / refund periods after a candidate joins can often be forgotten.
With Job Management Software – Using an ATS that allows agency integration will eliminate duplicate candidate submissions, for example you won’t be billed for taking on a candidate that is in your system from when you interviewed them 12 months ago who you simply forgot about, and it also stops you from having an argument with agencies over who sent a candidate first! Software will also help you track the source of applications, monitor recruitment budgets and notify you before a rebate period is about to expire – because there is nothing worse than an employee handing their notice in a day after you can get a refund on the fee!
Video Interviews
Without Software – Not an option! If a candidate can’t make it to your offices, then you are limited to a telephone interview and may have to wait longer to have that initial face-to-face. Having to wait for the face-to-face can mean that good candidates accept jobs elsewhere, so a lack of software can cause an issue.
With Job Management Software – Software that enables you to carry out and save video interviews is a great way to get that face-to-face impression in a quicker time -scale. It’s useful for re-locators who otherwise would have to travel for a first-stage interview, and stops unnecessary delays in the interview process if people are away when you want to book in the interview.
Storing Data
Without Software – This is likely to involve A LOT of paper, taking up large amounts of office space and making locating key information slow and cumbersome. Storing candidate data without software can also make it difficult to ensure you are GDPR compliant, which is a must for all companies who want to uphold standards in data compliance.
With Job Management Software – Storing candidate data becomes a lot simpler, and most importantly locating that data is super quick. You can search by name / location / job title / skills / date applied… to be honest you can search by anything at all if you tag up each candidate correctly! The fact that software makes complying with GDPR regulations simple is reason enough to invest anyway, because nobody wants the worry of a 20 million euro fine!
Email Integration
Without Software – There is no centralised place to view the “paper-trail” to your candidates, and when multiple members of staff are involved with your recruitment process it can make locating information a hard task.
With Job Management Software – Certain CRM’s will allow automatic email integration, meaning any email sent from your company (no matter which employee sent it) will automatically be logged under the candidate profile.
Team Collaboration
Without Software – Collaborating with the team becomes an extremely manual process. There is no easy way to share or request feedback from candidate CV’s / interviews and forgetting to complete parts of the candidate journey in a timely manner (e.g. send contracts / book interviews) can easily happen.
With Job Management Software – Using an ATS can allow easy collaboration between teams, meaning you can assign team members to specific parts of the candidate journey (like booking the interview / reviewing a CV), add due dates for every step preventing certain tasks being forgotten / dragging on for longer than they should and allow easy calendar integration for everyone attending interviews as well.
Job Management Software Can Also Help With Employee Advocacy
Without Software – You can ask your employees to act as advocates for your company, but there will be no easy way to distribute and control what content they share, and you will find it very difficult to track the success and social media reach as well.
With Job Management Software – Software for employee advocacy allows you to create strategic campaigns, focusing exactly what your employees share and encouraging more employees to engage with your employer brand online! You will also be able to track the success of each campaign and see who your biggest employee advocates are too!
If you are interested in finding out how our JobHoller technical products could help make your recruiting life easier then get in touch with us today on 01244 567 967 / [email protected].