Have You Seen Your Employer Brand Score?

At Holler we are passionate about helping everyone, everywhere build and shape their employer brand. While many organisations adopt a strategic approach to employer brand, there are so many companies that do not have the internal resources to do this, and as a result, are missing key opportunities to attract, engage and retain talent. We’re helping to start the conversation around employer brand by offering clients a free employer brand score and discovery report to highlight ideas to improve their employer brand presence online. Read on to see how it works and sign up for a free report.

Employer brand at a glance

Firstly, we must point out that the employer brand score is not an exhaustive assessment of your employer brand, nor can it replace the employer brand strategic audit that is essential for true employer brand discovery and employee experience strategy! Instead, this looks at external employer brand visibility and candidate perception – both crucial elements of any candidate attraction strategy! If you are recruiting then you need to give this a try, and the good news is you can see your results the same day!

Assessing the job advert

With a decade of experience in recruitment marketing, partnering with platforms like LinkedIn, Indeed, Total Jobs and Reed, we have crafted an optimised approach to writing the perfect job advert. The job advert in many cases will be a candidate’s first interaction with your employer brand, so it’s important you get this right! We assess your job advert for: advert length, salary transparency, benefit details, employer brand and culture insights, visibility and accessibility.

Delving into your careers pages

If you have a dedicated careers page, or careers section of your website, our certified employer brand specialists will delve into this to look at the top factors for promoting your employer brand to candidates. This can include how you communicate your vision and values, visual content that brings your culture to life, DE&I insights and other aspects of UX/UI from a candidate’s perspective.

Analysing your social media footprint

79% of UK job seekers use social media in some way during their job search, so if you aren’t sharing content to promote your employer brand you are missing a trick! If you’re active on a variety of social media platforms that is a great start, if you have a dedicated employer brand channel such as TikTok or Instagram, even better! We’ll look at social media activity, what content you are sharing and employee advocacy to factor into your score.

Your Glassdoor reviews

We are said to spend one third of our lives in work, so it’s no surprise that candidates flock to platforms like Glassdoor to hear the opinions of employees past and present before hitting that apply button! We’ll look at your score along with other profile elements to build your wider employer brand score.

Employer brand awards

Awards aren’t everything, but they can be great indicators of your employer brand at a glance! If you’ve been awarded Top Employer Status, Best Companies Awards, or other relevant titles they will help to boost your score.

Ready to see your score? It’s totally FREE to do so – just click here!

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