Candidate Experience

Candidate Experience
An Essential Guide

The candidate experience is the feeling a candidate gets from all the interactions you have with them throughout the entire recruiting process.

It’s a window to your culture and every element should reflect who you are and what you’re about. Having a robust and pleasurable candidate experience in line with your culture will not only help attract more candidates, it will help you attract candidates with the right fit and even impact on your bottom line.

Your candidate experience is the most important element of recruiting and has the power to engage or disengage. With sites like Glassdoor and all the available social media channels, your company can easily get bad press from a lacklustre or poor candidate experience.

Equally, a great review can increase your reach, reputation and level of applications from those superstar candidates.

So now you know what’s it’s about and what it can do for you, where do you start?

Download our FREE eBook “Candidate experience” to learn more.
