10 Types of Recruitment Software you Should Consider Using

Managing recruitment internally for an organisation can be a mammoth task. Not only are you dealing with those immediate vacancies, but you also have to nurture the candidate experience, ensure employees are settling in well and think about your long-term recruitment and employer branding objectives too. This coupled with the fact that many internal recruitment teams only consist of a couple of employees means that the recruitment process can become difficult to keep on top of. Luckily there are lots of technology products in the market to help make your life easier, and we have picked out some recruitment software suggestions to help you along the way.

10 types of recruitment software you should consider using:

Recruitment software for your careers website

One of the biggest issues internal recruiters have is having a static careers section within the main corporate website that cannot be easily edited without going through a member of the IT / marketing team. As we know recruitment can change at the drop of a hat, so recruitment software that allows users to easily update the careers site can make a big difference.Software we suggest: JobHollerWe might be biased, but the JobHoller technology allows users to build a customised careers hub that is Google for jobs and mobile optimised, that pulls through the key information about life in your company, your vacancies, supporting content, live social feeds and it even has a talent pool function.

Multi-poster software for job board integration

If you have individual job board subscriptions, then the last thing you want to be doing is logging into each one individually and uploading the same details just to get your adverts posted as broadly as possible. Instead consider using a multi-poster that pulls all of your accounts into one place, so that you only need to enter the job advert information once for it to be sent to multiple job boards.Software we suggest: BroadbeanWe have tried a couple of different tools ourselves, and Broadbean offers great user functionality, integration and it’s also a lower cost than some other alternatives.

Image credit: Broadbean

Social Media Schedule Tools

Sharing content, whether it’s news and information about your employer brand or live vacancies, is a big part of recruitment marketing, however with busy schedules and urgent vacancies to fill it might not be the top of the priority list for every internal recruiter. To simplify this you should consider using a social scheduling tool so that you can “queue” a number of posts to deliver throughout the week, that way you are still getting consistent visibility without having to constantly login and remember to post every day.Software we suggest: HootsuiteHootsuite is a relatively low-cost tool that allows you to plug in multiple social channels including Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram to create posts, schedule posts and track engagement all in one place.

Social tools for paid adverts

Posting to social media is great to showcase your employer brand, but sponsoring content and creating targeted paid social adverts can also get your brand seen by thousands of potential candidates. Most social platforms have their own built in software to allow you to create and manage adverts, they may seem overwhelming at first, so you can also consider asking an external agency (like ourselves) to manage this on your behalf.Software we suggest: Facebook Ads ManagerFor us, Facebook ads software is the best platform to use because the audience targeting is simple to build and lends itself well to building candidate personas around locations, job titles and interests too.

Recruitment software for candidate management

A robust applicant tracking system (ATS) is essential to ensure a positive experience for the candidate, and for you as the person tasked with managing all of those applications! Your ATS will need to track application source and dates, safely store information, allow for collaboration with colleagues and external recruitment agencies, use automated yet personalised messaging and allow you to schedule important events such as interviews.Software we suggest: JobHollerYes it’s our technology again! The reason we think you should check out our ATS over other options on the market is because you can totally personalise the candidate journey to specific roles, it uses clever tools to help ensure there are no delays in the process and it actually gives you an insight into key information that will help you reduce your cost per hire. 

Recruitment software for video interviews

Sometimes a face-to-face interview isn’t convenient and so you will need to find a way to conduct a virtual interview with potential candidates. You will want to be guarantee a solid connection, which allows for video sharing and also screen sharing in the event of a candidate needing to show you their work or conduct a presentation.Software we suggest: ZoomZoom is our go-to platform for video conferences and screen shares, it’s simple to use, the FREE option actually allows for 40-minute meetings with multiple participants, and if you do decide to upgrade your plan the costs are still considerably low.

Recruitment software to encourage employee advocacy

One of the best ways to attract attention from direct applications is through an organic approach to “spreading the word” about your employer brand, we are talking about employee advocacy. Employee advocacy is about getting your own employees engaging with and sharing your brand content to their own social networks, but if it isn’t simple for them to do it then chances are your employees won’t fully embrace it. Instead opt for a software solution to make it really simple for employees to get involved, and also easy for you to track and monitor activity.Software we suggest: JobHollerThe JobHoller employee advocacy tools allow you to build unique advocacy campaigns, share them with employees, add Twitter information and track the number of shares using a bespoke hashtag.

Project management tools to collaborate

If you want to keep on top of all parts of the recruitment process then consider using a project management tool to do so. Here you can add tasks to complete, include information to collaborate and add due dates on each step so that you stay on top of everything.Software we suggest: TrelloTrello is a free to use project management tool that helps organise your workload either for you or a group of employees. You can create multiple boards and drag and drop “tasks” as you move them through to completion.

Survey systems to collect feedback

To ensure you are delivering a consistent experience (and finding ways to improve upon yours already) you will want to gather feedback from employees and candidates. You should consider creating surveys for candidates who have applied (but weren’t successful), candidates who were offered a job, employees who have recently started and longer serving employees. It will give you a mix of perspectives and help pinpoint ways to improve.Software we suggest: Survey MonkeySurvey Monkey is a simple to use platform that allows you to build and distribute custom surveys and examine the results in one place.

Software to enable online document signing

When you offer a role to a candidate you will probably have some sort of process to send employment contracts to them. If you do this through an electronic signing platform it means that you can also collect the signature from your new employee at the same time.

Software we suggest: DocuSignThere are lots of products available, but DocuSign is seen as the worlds #1 e-signature technology so it is worth checking them out!

If you are interested in learning more about the JobHoller software solution then get in touch today at [email protected] / 01244 567 967.

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